Mission Statement

My mission as a teacher is to help my students realize that through learning, they can enhance their life in a positive way. I want to help all my students believe in themselves and through that belief, take on the challenges of life and go forward.

Monday 5 October 2015

Image result for adding integers cartoon


9.5 Adding Integers p.343-344


Complete 5 Alive proposal for Friday October 9th 2015


Guiding Questions for DURING reading:
  • What do you understand from the paragraph you just read?
  • Could you summarize its key ideas?
  • What three words represent key ideas? What clues in this paragraph will help you understand that unfamiliar word?
  • Do you need to reread the paragraph to understand what the author is saying?
  • Do you need to slow down your reading in order to understand the ideas? What strategies can you use to unlock the meanings in this text?
  • What images can you visualize using text details in order to build your understanding?
  • Do you need to stop and check the dictionary for an unfamiliar word? Is it essential to know its definition in order to understand main ideas of the article?

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