- There are 4 review sheets posted on google classroom- the same 4 we did in class today.
Each sheet has 2 pages of questions on it. We will be using the 4 sheets today and tomorrow
for review - We will do a short quiz tomorrow on the 2 concepts - Surface Area and Volume
of a Rectangular Prism
- Measurement TEST 3.4-3.6 Surface Area and Volume of a Rectangular Prism MONDAY OCTOBER 24th
- Reading
- Start researching information for your 5ALIVE project -
You need a general topic and 2 subtopics
- Write the CONTEXT (one sentence - WHO, WHERE, WHEN) for the following quotes:
1) "What about you Ally? Slime or beige?" (Ch 22 No way yo treat a queen)
2) " You'll love it when it can take us places. To the beach? Six Flags?" (Ch20 Is this a good thing?)
3) "So she thinks you grabbed a hunk of her cake for reason?" Keisha asks. (Ch 19 Not so sweet secret)
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