Mission Statement

My mission as a teacher is to help my students realize that through learning, they can enhance their life in a positive way. I want to help all my students believe in themselves and through that belief, take on the challenges of life and go forward.

Wednesday 11 November 2015


- Finish 1.3 Squares and Square Roots p.21 #1-10
- You should be able to explain to your parents what both terms mean and their relationship

- Reading
-Working on booktalks - Choosing 2 main ideas for your presentation as well as writing a short
50-100 word summary (catch: you must have already finished reading your book)
- Working  on your 5 ALIVE #2 presentation (to be presented before winter break)

*Please bring back your Field Trip Permission Forms ASAP*

1/2 my class will be going to Swan Lake Outdoor Education Centre  On November 23rd with 7T
the other 1/2 my class will be going on November 24th with 7B

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